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Prom Flowers


Flowers Galore makes magnificent Prom Flowers including Prom Corsages and Prom Boutonnieres. We also make exquisite Prom Hair Pieces and Prom Bouquets.

Flowers Galore is a premium local Fort Lauderdale Florist that specializes in high quality long stem roses and we carry the highest quality of all flowers including rare exotic flowers.


Let Flowers Galore make all your Prom Flowers pieces.



Flowers Galore is a Premium Local Florist in Fort Lauderdale.

Let Flowers Galore create the perfect Corsage in any color flower for your special Prom Corsage.

We are high quality long stem rose specialists and carry all colors of premium long stem roses as well as fresh high quality flowers of all types including rare exotic flowers.




Flowers Galore is a premium local Florist that specializes in Prom Flowers including Boutonnieres.


We can make up a matching set of Prom Corsage and Boutainneirre in any color with most flowers including roses, carnations and orchids.


Let Flowers Galore make a magnificent Boutainnere for your Prom.

Hairpieces & Handheld Bouquets


Flowers Galore is a premium local Florist in Fort Lauderdale Flower.

We specialize in all types of Prom Flowers including Prom Hairpieces and Handheld Prom Bouquets in all sizes and types of flowers including fresh premium roses, carnations, orchids, lillies and daisies. We stock all flowers and colors to make your special Prom Flowers piece a reality.

Let Flowers Galore create your stunning Prom Flowers.